Monday, December 26, 2016

Escape Now - The Sherlock Room

This was a good time as a family the day after Christmas. We had a good time going in, and overall everyone was able to contribute something to solving puzzles. We missed a few fairly obvious things, which is unfortunate because they were fun puzzles. There was also a puzzle that we just have no idea how they did it but it was super neat and I've yet to see it used in any other rooms - we would like you also to be surprised by it because it was a neat little challenge.

Price:$$$24 per person

Theme:★★There were some neat things in here, some of which were a little distracting, but overall pretty good.

Quality:★★★In good shape - all but one puzzle worked perfectly and they had warned us about problems with one before going in so we were able to get a work around when we got to that.

Difficulty:★★★Honestly, we just made things so much more difficult than they needed to be. There were at least three puzzles that had we paid better attention we could have made it through without using the hint so early.

Fun:★★★We had fun - it was a first puzzle for the in-laws and even though we didn't get out they had fun.

With:4 peopleEvan, Judy, Justin, Pat


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