Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Dallas Panic Room - Museum Heist

This was a very neat room, and we got paired up with a fantastic couple to complete it with. There were a lot of ways to get started, and we probably spent most of our time on those first few puzzles (as noted below, we messed one of the them up and thankfully one of our team mates had a good memory). There were some fun puzzles that played on the theme, too. This was a good time, and just kept getting better.

Price:$$$25 per person

Theme:★★★There were some really neat things in here, and it was really neat how it all came together in the experience. There were some neat surprises.

Quality:★★★★This was well put together and maintained - love how these puzzle worked.

Difficulty:★★★A lot of the puzzles were simple enough, but there were enough challenges to keep it interesting. As usual, we totally messed up one of the puzzles by trying to be smart about it, but it worked out in the end.

Fun:★★★★This was neat, and the longer we were in the more immersed we felt.

With:4 peopleEvan, Judy (and two others)


Monday, December 26, 2016

Escape Now - The Sherlock Room

This was a good time as a family the day after Christmas. We had a good time going in, and overall everyone was able to contribute something to solving puzzles. We missed a few fairly obvious things, which is unfortunate because they were fun puzzles. There was also a puzzle that we just have no idea how they did it but it was super neat and I've yet to see it used in any other rooms - we would like you also to be surprised by it because it was a neat little challenge.

Price:$$$24 per person

Theme:★★There were some neat things in here, some of which were a little distracting, but overall pretty good.

Quality:★★★In good shape - all but one puzzle worked perfectly and they had warned us about problems with one before going in so we were able to get a work around when we got to that.

Difficulty:★★★Honestly, we just made things so much more difficult than they needed to be. There were at least three puzzles that had we paid better attention we could have made it through without using the hint so early.

Fun:★★★We had fun - it was a first puzzle for the in-laws and even though we didn't get out they had fun.

With:4 peopleEvan, Judy, Justin, Pat


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Escape IT Houston - Ramses's Revenge

This was a last minute idea we did after spending the day with family. We were actually quite surprised to find a room open on Christmas day and are very happy to have found this place. The staff was very friendly (even being there on a holiday) and the room was fantastic - from the decor to the puzzles we were impressed and hope we can get back to do another room some time.

Price:$$$30 per person

Theme:★★★★★Just wow - all of this was so well done and let's just say we were seriously impressed by parts of this.

Quality:★★★★★There were some very well done puzzles in here and with the theme just made it all come together.

Difficulty:★★★This was well done - there were a few sneaky puzzles but they all fit the theme very well.

Fun:★★★★We had a great time and we very impressed by the decor puzzles.

With:2 peopleEvan, Judy


Saturday, December 24, 2016

Crazy Cat Escape Room - The Deadly Dining Room

In the end, we got out and found what we were looking for, and I inherited everything (if only that were true)! Depending on who you were with, this could go very well for you or not, and we got lucky in that once we started communicating properly everything came together. There were some fun puzzles and everything was intriguing; we'd recommend that you examine the room VERY carefully and pay attention to everything you are told before you go in.

Price:$$$$35 per person

Theme:★★★★The room we were put into was exactly as expected and fit in perfectly with the mission of the room.

Quality:★★★This was in good shape and well put together.

Difficulty:★★★★★Most of the puzzles were great and fun - the real difficulty lies in communication with other members of the team.

Fun:★★★We had fun, even though some times were frustrating while some of the team was stuck waiting before we could be much of a help to the others (again - communication issue and not a fault of the room).

With:12 peopleEvan, Judy (and 10 others)


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Red Door Escape Room - Once Upon a Time

This was so much fun - the puzzles were good, the decor was great, and the general experience was one of the best. We've never done a room side by side with another team, and it was neat to here where they were in the puzzles (we were ahead most of the time). It was also neat that our group of two got out and their group of eight did not. Makes you feel kinda awesome when it is over. The feelings of competition made the completion of puzzles seem more urgent and made us nervous when we heard the other team through the ducts.

Price:$$$28 per person

Theme:★★★★This was fun - so many things to remind you of so many fairy tales.

Quality:★★This was fairly well done, but there were some issues with a couple of puzzles that took longer to do because things "stuck" together a bit.

Difficulty:★★This was fairly simple, although we did use a couple of hints because we completely overlooked one of the puzzles and got stuck.

Fun:★★★★★This was very fun - a great theme really drove this, as well as hearing the team in the room next to us who were doing the same room (different solutions to puzzles). Also, there was a surprise near the end that I absolutely loved (but keeping it quite even though not a puzzle so that if you go you can experience the fun yourself).

With:2 peopleEvan, Judy


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Escape This - The Society

This was a great time, even though we cut it VERY close for getting out (which is a trend for our escapes at this location). We got paired with two other groups to make one quite large group, but everyone got along great. There were some puzzles in here that were challenging and we missed some obvious solutions which could have reduced the amount of time we spent in the room. Also, we didn't always get the hints correct on the first try, so ended up having to redo a few of the puzzles a few times to get the right answers.

Price:$$$29 per person

Theme:★★★★We loved the theme - a lot of things came together to make the experience complete.

Quality:★★★★This is very well put together, especially because there are lots of things that could go wrong and didn't because of how well done they are.

Difficulty:★★★★There were some easier and some harder puzzles that make up this room, but we missed many of the obvious things at first glance and had to come back to them.

Fun:★★★★★This was very fun - we had a large group and great interactions between the three groups that came together.

With:10 peopleEvan, Judy (and eight others)


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Escape Expert - Chase Case

This was pretty fun - we had a good group and are glad we came back for this one (especially after our defeat in Dead End). Really, this was an average difficulty room, but there were a few issues with the room reset that let us bypass a puzzle or two. Also, part of the room seemed extraneous (perhaps because of this mishap). We were lucky with the group we were a part of because everyone got it and helped make progress in getting through the puzzles. Something else we didn't mention in other reviews of this location that comes to mind now are the hints - you get three and you have to call on a phone so only one person in the group hears it instead of everyone. Also, you lose time in the timer each clue you use.

Price:$$$28 per person

Theme:★★There were parts of this room that seemed out of place (and in some ways just more work that useful) but most of it was good.

Quality:★★★This was great except for one lock that opened without us doing anything (turns out that it wasn't reset).

Difficulty:★★There were a handful of sneaky puzzles in here that were difficult on the own without us missing them and making them even harder.

Fun:★★★We had a good time with the group we were paired with and there was one very fun puzzle in the mix.

With:8 peopleEvan, Judy, Tony (and five others)


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Escape Expert - Dead End

This was an interesting experience (one we came back to share with our friends because we were hopeful). Some of the puzzles were pretty quick, and others took much more effort. We didn't get all the way to the end on our first attempt (or our second, for that matter) but we had a okay time in any case (at least the first time through). If they tell you that you really should more than two people, and then look at you like you are nuts when you decide to try anyways, perhaps that is a good sign you should listen.

Price:$$$28 per person

Theme:★★★★This was very immersive and probably one of the scariest rooms I've ever been in.

Quality:★★★★Things worked great and seemed to all be in working order.

Difficulty:★★★★★This was very hard and really we should have heeded their warning to have more than two people.

Fun:★★★This got my adrenaline pumping for sure.

With:2 peopleEvan, Judy


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Guess HQ - The Heist

This room was probably our worst escape room experience thus far, and really it isn't so much the fault of the room but the employees that interacted with us. We got pretty far to the end and then just couldn't open something even though we had the right code. After fifteen minutes of trying. And this isn't a type of lock we've never opened before, so when the employee told us that we were just doing it wrong and wouldn't show us how that was the case, it was really annoying. And then he just kept poking at us. In any case, given that I have opened this type of lock both before, and since, and there were instructions on the wall, and he slipped us more instructions under a door, we aren't convinced that we were the issue here. And if we were (again, doubtful) then the employee definitely should have handled this better. I think that even though we didn't get out, we could have been okay with that (we've lost other rooms) if the employee hadn't been a jerk about it or showed us what we missed.
Price:$$$30 CAD per person
Theme:★★★★This is actually pretty neat - some parts made us have bits of adrenaline and were just neat.  This was perhaps the most technologically interesting room we've done.
Quality:The first parts were fine, other than it being clear people tried to open things that shouldn't be. However, spending fifteen minutes trying to do the same thing only to be told we don't know how to use a lock (see the number of rooms we've done to clear that up) was a bit annoying.
Difficulty:★★The puzzles in this room were not hard, but keeping from doing something wrong with them was an exercise in futility. The hardest thing was using some of the codes, not the puzzles.
Fun:This was so frustrating that even though some parts were fine, debacles at the end made this overall a pretty big let down.
With:2 peopleEvan, Judy

Saturday, November 26, 2016

SmartyPantz - Morning Never Comes

Again, we were given 45 minutes to complete this room, although we used more like 20 minutes because it was easy to get through. The parts that held us up the most were a broken puzzle. This would be a great room for those new to escape rooms, as there isn't really anything super tricky, but enough to be a slight challenge at least.

Price:$$$25 CAD per person

Theme:★★★★This had a good theme - great decor and seemed very realistic.

Quality:There were a couple of broken things that led to us solving a puzzle at the wrong time and then having no idea what to do next without help.

Difficulty:This was VERY easy - so easy that we didn't know until the person came in to tell us that we had won.

Fun:★★Really,with the broken items and how easy this was, it was a little anti-climatic at the end. Definitely made for those new to escape rooms.

With:2 peopleEvan, Judy


Find and Seek - The Majestic Theatre

Another room in BC, another 45 minute escape room. We enjoyed many of the puzzles in here - in fact, there are at least three puzzles in this room we haven't seen in others that we've done (at least, not yet). There was a lot put into this room, and it was a great experience even though we didn't make it out. We really just got stuck on a puzzle that we've never been all that great with (it may have worked out with our normal escape room buddies there who rock at these). Also, a few of the puzzles could have been easier with more people, but we got through those fine with just two (they likely just took a few minutes longer). I also really like that the host explained to us how to finish the room - this is one of the best things I think rooms can do (especially when we were clearly tourists and couldn't come back and try again).

Price:$$$26 CAD per person

Theme:★★★This was good, but parts of this were better than others (I didn't for one minute forget we were in a mall).

Quality:★★★★Well done and they've done a great job keeping things in working order (unlike other rooms with similar ideas inside).

Difficulty:★★★★Some of the puzzles were quite tricky for us for a couple of reasons - we just aren't so great at a couple of those types and some of these would have been better with more than two people.

Fun:★★★This was enjoyable even though we didn't get out.

With:2 peopleEvan, Judy


Friday, November 25, 2016

SmartyPantz - Thirst for Murder

For this room, we were given 45 minutes to get out (this seemed to be the norm in BC), and we had plenty of time to succeed. From the introduction to the room, to the theme, to the puzzles, everything about this room was exceedingly well done and we had such a good time. Two people for this room was perfect, and there are some things in the room we keep thinking back to over time because there were just some creative and fun puzzles inside.

Price:$$$25 CAD per person

Theme:★★★★★From the staff bringing us to the room to the design to the props, everything about this room made you feel like you were really in the situation described.

Quality:★★★★★Everything worked perfectly and was just well put together.

Difficulty:★★★This was not the hardest room we've gone, but it definitely had some challenges and some things we've never seen before.

Fun:★★★★★This room was super fun! Enough to make us think, but enjoyable.

With:2 peopleEvan, Judy


Saturday, November 19, 2016

Ultimate Escape Game Dallas - Enigma

We had a fun time and some of these challenges were awesome - in some ways you really feel like you could have been doing this in real life (which is really such a wonderful thing about the rooms here - they do a fantastic job in making things realistic and suspenseful). The were opportunities for us to break into pairs and work on different parts, which kept us all engaged. It was very nice that we all felt like we contributed and had things we were good at.

Price:$$$28 per person

Theme:★★★★The props and feel of the room were spot on - a real air of authenticity.

Quality:★★★★Very well arranged and put together - this was great.

Difficulty:★★★This was the perfect level of difficulty (or would have been had we not missed something very early on).

Fun:★★★We had fun due to some of the puzzles and interactions we had with them and each other.

With:4 peopleEllie, Evan, Fred, Judy


This was good

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Ultimate Escape Game Dallas - Amnesia

We had another great introduction to escape rooms and the room from Shiloh - he is quite amusing and cannot wait to see what comes for the other rooms here in those videos. There was clearly a lot of effort put into the design of the room and puzzles and this was a great experience. We got very good luck in the other three who joined us, as well, as they weren't afraid to try things out.

Price:$$$28 per person

Theme:★★★★★I think this is the best themed room at this location - very neat.

Quality:★★★★★This was well put together and nicely done.

Difficulty:★★★There were some challenging puzzles (and creative too) and we liked how everyone in the group was able to contribute.

Fun:★★★★We had fun and the room design and puzzles really prompted this. The group we were paired with were also helpful.

With:7 peopleEllie, Evan, Fred, Judy (and three others)


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Ultimate Escape Game Dallas - The Vault

We had fun in this room, from the puzzles to the decoration. We were paired with two others who we felt pretty sure were attending on a date, so it was mildly interesting to watch how they worked together. It was also their first escape room, so that was also neat to watch. Anyways, the room itself was fun and well made and just a blast to complete.

Price:$$$28 per person

Theme:★★★★Had a great vibe and was well themed for the purpose.

Quality:★★★★Things worked great - even some of the trickier things we've seen fail in other rooms.

Difficulty:★★★There were some challenges, and some unique puzzles, but these puzzles were fun and intriguing more than hard.

Fun:★★★★There were a lot of fun puzzles and the theme and environment made this fun real at points.

With:6 peopleEllie, Evan, Fred, Judy (and two others)


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Escape Expert - Secret Vault

This room left us with mixed feelings - we got out fine, but think this might be one of those times we did not win the pairing with random people lottery and that really made some parts of this way harder than it needed to be. It was very frustrating and because we didn't want them to have a bad experience we kept including them even though we'd have finished much sooner had we not.

Price:$$$28 per person

Theme:★★This theme was hit or miss for us - some seemed better than the rest.

Quality:★★★Things worked well (nothing was broken).

Difficulty:★★★This was difficult, but not because the puzzles were hard, but because they relied on 5th grade (and some kindergarten) abilities that not everyone in the group could do.

Fun:So much of this room was an exercise in frustration, and we had a hard time communicating with the two people we were paired up with.

With:4 peopleEvan, Judy (and two others)


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Denver Escape Room - Rampancy

We booked this room after completing the super awesome Crimson Storm at the same location earlier in the day. We were told this was their hardest, and boy did it live up to that expectation. We learned a lot about escape rooms here that will be put into practice elsewhere (unfortunately, we cannot share it because it would give away some of the puzzles). But this was an enjoyable time and really we think if we had gotten a better start and used clues more wisely we would have finished this one. A neat thing they did here (which some we've lost didn't) was come in after and give us the hint where we were stuck and let us finish it quickly with their help. It gave a good idea of where we got stuck, and how much more we had to do.

Price:$$$28 per person

Theme:★★★The theme in this was good and added to the confusion felt.

Quality:★★★★Very well done room and everything inside worked as it should (even if we didn't like it not working how we wanted, it was as it should).

Difficulty:★★★★★OMG this was hard. There were several difficult puzzles that took some time, and just some great puzzles.

Fun:★★★★★This time we were paired with some experienced escape artists and it was nice that everyone could dive in and get to work. We had fun from start to finish, even though we also got frustrated.

With:8 peopleEvan, Judy (and six others)


Denver Escape Room - Crimson Storm

The theme of this room was outstanding and really made the story come to life. Puzzles were fun and really drew on the theme. Our fellow captives also helped make this experience fun. As far as the puzzles, they weren't the hardest we've seen, but they were fun and really drew on the theme and there was something for everyone in the group to do at all times. I don't think I can say enough how much of a great experience this was and I'm sad I won't be back to Denver any time soon to do some of the other rooms.

Price:$$$28 per person

Theme:★★★★★This theme was fantastic - really well designed and all of the props and puzzles really fit with the theme. This was one of the best examples I've seen of puzzles using the theme and not adding extra things just so there could be puzzles.

Quality:★★★★★Everything was well made, worked well, and made it easy to figure out what was next and to not get distracted from the experience.

Difficulty:★★This was one of the easier escape rooms we've done, but had enough challenge to not be a gimme.

Fun:★★★★★We had so much fun here both because of the room and the other group that we were joined with (they were super positive and this was their first room so it really made it fun). We ended up booking another room later the same day because this one was so well done.

With:8 peopleEvan, Judy (and six others)


Friday, October 14, 2016

Boxaroo! Escape Rooms and Real Life Adventures - The Vault

This experience was fantastic. The room was super neat and just such a great location - both where it is in the city and that it is an old vault - both very good. The decor, lighting, system for getting clues, and some of the clues themselves were very neat. This was the first time my mom and dad had joined us in an escape room, so there was a bit of explaining to them the purpose, but we got along well enough when we understood how to do a puzzle. Things really deteriorated when we got to the last puzzle, though, because we simply skipped an earlier one that really was needed here and none of us thought to go back to it. Also, we might have over-complicated it even with that puzzle done. Either way, it was fun and I'm glad we got to experience together.

Price:$$$28 per person

Theme:★★★★★This theme really held up to expectations - it was in a real old bank vault, which was just really neat.

Quality:★★★Everything worked very well, once we figured out what we were supposed to do with things.

Difficulty:★★★★There were definitely some harder things in here, but we also made it harder by skipping a puzzle and then missing clues that were given to us.

Fun:★★We still had a good time even though we lost.

With:4 peopleBob, Evan, Judy, Linda


Saturday, October 1, 2016

Ultimate Escape Game Dallas - Hackers

This was our first room at Ultimate Escape Game Dallas and one of the reasons we've kept going back. This is a great location and there is plenty nearby to grab dinner before or after doing a room. The team that gets you ready gives you a good intro, but not so long that you wish it were over, then you get two videos starring a guy with creepy hair when you enter the room. One goes over rules in general and is short; the other is also short and discusses your scenario and what you need to escape at the end (all of their rooms have something like this). There were a lot of fun things in this room that honestly were a bit distracting as we wanted to play with them, but didn't keep us from our goal. Also, there were puzzles to cater to each of our strengths, although Ellie was a rock star and got quite a few of these before we had all of the info due to her super-sleuthing abilities.

Price:$$$28 per person

Theme:★★There was a theme, but some of the parts seemed inconsistent and maybe better in a different story.

Quality:★★★★Everything in here worked well - we've been in other rooms with a few similar challenges where they didn't work, and they were all good here.

Difficulty:★★There was some challenge, but a lot of these played on Ellie's strengths so we were able to solve some very quickly.

Fun:★★This was enjoyable but some of the inconsistencies in the theme distracted.

With:4 peopleEllie, Evan, Fred, Judy


Saturday, September 3, 2016

Room Escape Adventures - Trapped in a Room with a Zombie: The Original

This was super fun and high-energy. Had a blast and want to do their other. You can imagine the craziness of 12 people in a room with a groaning zombie - especially when 6 of them were girls screaming at the top of their lungs and running around. It really added to the experience. The zombie was chained up and his chain would release by 1 foot every 5 minutes so that at the end, he could reach the door. I get the feeling that the zombie didn't want to touch anyone, but I'm pretty sure if you didn't get out of the way, you're getting eaten. The zombie loves pop music and thanks to Lesley for taking one for the team and singing for him. Sorry to the zombie that we weren't very creative in our pop selection.
Price:$$$28 per person
Theme:★★★★The idea behind this was good, as was the decor and experience.
Quality:★★★Most of the items in here were in good shape, although the assistant in the room did have to help us complete one that wouldn't work after five or so minutes of trying to get it open because it was damaged.
Difficulty:★★★There were some challenges, but most of these stemmed from being in a room with our group of four and a group of eight we didn't know.
Fun:★★★★★This was exhilarating - a really great time.
With:12 peopleCJ, Evan, Judy, Lesley (and eight others)

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Xcape Adventures - Dr. Gene Etics

For our second visit to Xcape Adventures, we checked out some genetics.  This had one of the coolest physical challenges I've done.  It was a pain in the but, but creative - you'll notice it since it takes up a whole wall when you enter.  These guys really care a lot and want to make this a good experience, but the room was a little abused.  I think this one takes the prize for the most rooms in an escape room.
Price:$$20 per person
Theme:★★★Loved this theme - very well designed and had some great surprises in store for us.
Quality:★★Again, like their other room, there was a lot of work but also some broken things. We have to get help a couple times for this.
Difficulty:★★This was about average difficulty, but had a few very creative puzzles that we haven't seen since.
Fun:★★★There were some very interesting challenges in here was a fun experience.
With:4 peopleEllie, Evan, Fred, Judy

Saturday, May 7, 2016

11th Hour Escape - 4th Dimension

The was one of my first escape rooms. It was the first for most of the rest of our team as well. We did this as part of a bachelor party weekend and were happy to make it out alive. 11th Hour is based in Austin and has expanded throughout Texas. This room was their original room here and they had it through many openings and closing due to fire code and other shenanigans. It's a well done room by people who 'get' it and designed for a group to have a good time. Many of the puzzles that we encountered here were very novel at the time being early to to escape room career. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the origin of several of them that I have now seen in other rooms. When we played, it had 2 game masters and they were on top of everything - a great experience. The room was well designed and well themed.

With:4 peopleCJ, Evan, Fred, Tony


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Xcape Adventures - Game Over

This was my first escape room and it got me hooked. This is one of the original escape rooms in the Dallas area.  I was quite surprised to find them in Mesquite which is not a central location.  Ellie and Fred had done one before and brought us along for this one.  I hear that they have decided not to stress the tie in with Pixels.  They mentioned that it was done in partnership with Sony.  I think that its a good idea to avoid pushing the tie in.  This one is still very creative and challenging anyway.
Price:$$20 per person
Theme:★★★This was a fun concept, but based on a movie (Pixels) that none of us had seen.
Quality:★★It is clear that a lot of effort was put into this, but it wasn't as well put together as some of the other rooms and a couple of puzzles took several tries as a result.
Difficulty:★★After having gone through more escape rooms since this one, I would put the difficulty of this one squarely in the middle. It wasn't the hardest but definitely had a few challenging puzzles in it.
Fun:★★★★We had a lot of fun in this room. It was bright and had challenges to make us think and was quite entertaining.
With:4 people Ellie, Evan, Fred, Judy