Saturday, May 20, 2017

Extreme Escape - The Undead

Evan and I were so excited to stay with friends (bringing them rum and cigars from our visit to Cuba) and take a group out to an escape room for the first time. This was a great group for this room, as we had quite a bit of persistence to make it through some of the trickier parts. There were some GREAT puzzles and some BORING "puzzles" in this room, but we had a great time because the theme was SPOT ON.

Price:$$$$30 per person

Theme:★★★★★This was one of the best themed rooms we've ever seen - just amazing. Not only does the theme look fantastic, but it also played a part in several of the puzzles.

Quality:★★This was okay, but honestly we used a key apparently to open the wrong thing, which threw us off so we didn't use it to open what it was supposed to and had to use a hint for it.

Difficulty:★★★I think we made things harder by getting out of order, but overall the room was average. Some puzzles were tricky, others were...barely even puzzles.

Fun:★★★★The theme along with the newbies really made this a great fun experience.

With:6 peopleBrianna, Evan, Jason, Judy, Kortni, Rachel


Time Left:10:44

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