Saturday, February 24, 2018
Ultimate Escape Game - State Fair
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Escape Your Mindgame Room - Dark Room
I was so excited by the name and idea behind this room, and parts of this room were exactly what I expected. Other parts were a little more difficult. Definitely read the description well before you opt-in - I love this type of room, but have several friends who'd not have been keen to stay in.
Price:$$$30 per person
Theme:★★★I love the idea behind this room, and the starting point and decor are perfect to go with it.
Quality:★★Things were pretty good, but it was easy to do something wrong and I'm not sure how well certain elements will hold up.
Difficulty:★★★★The room itself (read the name...) greatly contributes to the difficulty rating I'm giving. The puzzles themselves aren't too bad, but the environment complicates them.
Fun:★★★A good time, but having a more interactive game master would have improved the experience.
With:2 peopleEvan, Judy
Time Left:⏰28:08
Monday, February 12, 2018
South Beach Room Escape - Black Ops
Price:$$$25 per person
Theme:★★★Most everything makes a lot of sense, but there are a few wacky things that I'm not sure why they are where they are. The beginning part is spot of and ideal for setting you off in the right direction, if we'd paid better attention.
Quality:★★★There were a couple of touchy things for us, but overall this is in good shape and the employees really care about how you experience the room from start to finish.
Difficulty:★★★A little harder than their first room, and mainly because we are terrible at the obvious. I mean terrible. We spent the first ten minutes getting nothing done, and then things got better from there after taking a clue.
Fun:★★★Neat room and a good experience - liked Panic Room better, but had a good time here as well.
With:2 peopleEvan, Judy
Time Left:⏰10:31
South Beach Room Escape - Panic Room
Price:$$$25 per person
Theme:★★★★This room is just creepy, and how you interact with the room can really add to that depending on how fortunate you are on where you happen to be standing at different points. Good use of space available.
Quality:★★★This worked well, and we found all of the locks and puzzles in good order.
Difficulty:★★We really did rush a bit through here, and one of two things we might have made educated guesses on rather than successfully solving.
Fun:★★★★We had a good time - some adrenaline filled moments where we weren't sure if things were supposed to happen or we messed up, but still quite fun.
With:2 peopleEvan, Judy
Time Left:⏰25:13
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Escape Game Dallas - Playground
We were a bit mixed about this room and really what we were trying to accomplish, but we had fun accomplishing it. Mainly, we were thrown off by the name of the room from the start, but once we got past that and into the actual game, it was an okay and fun time. We definitely had to split up to get through, and there were some complicated puzzles to move through mixed in with some simpler ones.
Price:$$$$34.63 per person (had coupons)
Theme:★★When I first entered this room, I really didn't understand the name given to this room. It clears up slightly as you move through the game, but I was expecting something much different that I got here.
Quality:★★★Things were still in great shape, and everything worked (once we figured out what it was we were to do).
Difficulty:★★★This room has a mix of short successes and longer, more drawn out completion. There are so many directions to go, and there is always something to be working on.
Fun:★★★A little of a mixed review from the group, but this room has one of my favorite things to find in a room so I enjoyed that a lot and a few times.
With:4 peopleDan, Evan, Meredith, Judy
Time Left:⏰N/A
Red Door Escape Room Plano - Warrior's Way
This room looks so nice, and the decor and props and everything you encounter fits in very well with the theme and overall completion of the room. There isn't a lot of extra, but there also wasn't enough content for our group. We could have done this as a group of two and had a better time, but our group of six breezed through this room. We were proud to finish quickly, but also a little sad to not have more challenging things to keep us engaged in the room longer. I am glad that things in the room made a lot of sense, the flow was logical, and there were no leaps of logic required.
Price:$$$28 per person (had coupons)
Theme:★★★★★This room looks super nice, and the concept and design are well-implemented and contribute well to the story.
Quality:★★★★Things are in great shape and put together well, so players should get consistent game play over time.
Difficulty:★We finished the room VERY quickly. There weren't really enough puzzles, and those we did we way too easy for our group.
Fun:★★Parts were fun, but overall this was just so easy that it was mellow.
With:6 peopleDan, Evan, Judy, Meredith (with two others)
Time Left:⏰31:15